I am still working on my book of short stories. I am enjoying it more than I thought I would. I remember reading about an author who just sat down without a plan or an outline and started to write. I have been doing that. Whenever I try to make plans, I end up hating the story and delete the whole thing. Then I find I write the story I have been wanting to do anyhow.
All of my stories continue to follow a theme and I am afraid to put what the theme is here. I think I may goof up what I am trying to do. It will develop on its own. In the past if I told what the story was too much I lost the power to put it down on paper. I have heard other writers having that problem so will stay mum for now. As I wrote, I am having a lot more fun with this book than I expected.
I continue to write in my journal and often take my handwritten journal to places I can work in it. I like doing it so I can have a break although I still spend time on the book before I leave. I usually do some grocery shopping as well. I miss buying newspapers and magazines to read in between writing in the journal but English language publications are impossible to find. I have to do it at home on the Internet. I miss holding a newspaper in my hand.
It's ironic that when I was in the States, had comfortable chairs, pole lights and book stores to go to as well as newspapers and magazines in English, I also had a writer's block that seemed to be the size of San Francisco. Here, I don't have one at all. There is no such thing as a comfortable chair although the one I am in is not bad. There is no pole lights and I have to use the overhead lights which is not conducive to working on a computer. My desk is not at the right angle so my arms get tired and the laptop overheats. I can't watch television and have a hard time finding books to read. I am writing non-stop and having a grand time.
I am not making plans too much in the future except to work on this book. I have savings so would like to stay here for the rest of the year unless something else develops and it could.