I have heard and read writers who say they hate to write and will do anything to avoid it. I think if anyone saw my blog here on writing they would say avoiding writing was a problem. It is. Yet, I love to write. I love to sit here and just write as I am doing now.
I am past the self-criticism that what I am putting here is immortal and needs to

I have a friend who writes and is published often. She even goes on book tours. She is braver than I am for I hate book tours and will even take less money for a book if I

People often say to authors on book tours: "I could write a book. I have a great story." Then they get mad when the author does not want to hear it. Most authors have a head full of stories. The author says: "Well, you need to write it." The answer back is invariably: "I don't have the time." This answer irks me all of the time. It seems to me that their lives are more important. I told one writer wannabee that I could not "not write". I have to write even if it is only in my head. I keep a journal all of the time. I would die if I could not write.

When I was married, I read when my housework was done after I came home from work. That was a real problem with the man I married. He hated my books. I read the books when he was at work and during my lunch and breaks. I wrote during those same breaks as well. I hated television because it wasted time. We lived in the Midwest where they had

"Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" is a classic American 1903 children's novel by Kate Douglas Wiggin. Rebecca Rowena Randall goes to live with her two stern aunts in the village of Riverboro in Maine. Her joy for life ends up inspiring them. She faces many trials in her young life, but comes through them with more wisdom and understanding. Despite her impoverished background, Rebecca is an imaginative and charming child, often composing little poems and songs to express her feelings or to amuse her younger brothers and sisters. It is she who names their farm 'Sunnybrook' after the little brook that runs by their house.
The two aunts want the elder sister to come because she is the one that always does the housework and obeys. That is how it was in my life. My older sister was the one that obeyed my mother and did all of the housework that my mother told her to do. Because the mother needed her too much, she sent Rebecca because it would have helped having one less mouth to feed. Rebecca with her bright disposition brighten the two aunts' lives and everyone in the village. In the end, Rebecca ends up being an independent woman and inherits enough money to support her brothers and sisters.
I understood why it was that book, "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm", that popped into my dream. The protagonist was someone who was positive in outlook and that was a real problem between my husband and myself. I wrote poems and stories and loved to make up stories about the

Years ago, the stories that I had in my head were not the stories that I was reading. I was afraid to put them down. Sometimes, we would read fiction in class that I liked

The newer fiction by such writers as John Cheever, Saul Bellow and others were not enjoyable to me. I read Bernard Malamud and I liked "The Assistent" but much of what I read just did not relate to me. The professors liked William Faulkner and I could never get through his books. I think the only thing I ever liked of Faulkner was "A Rose for Emily" and there was something about that story that bothered me.

I always have a story going in my head as I have one going now. I learn a lot about people from the fictional ones. I never know what is going to happen in my stories. I have learned a long time ago never to try and box any character into a particular course of action. I just sit there and watch things happen. Often I think things are going to happen in one particular way and presto they happen in a totally different way.
I pay attention to dreams or at least some dreams. I knew this one was important. I knew that

Part of who I am is writing. I love to write but feel guilty when I do it. It seems as if I am doing something very selfish. It is hard enough to do it and I just make it harder. Yet, when the words flow as they are now it makes me feel so good about

This is a never-ending story. I have been dreaming about writing of late. They have been

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