I am in Los Angeles waiting for a number to be taken to the consulate so I can get my passport stamped. Last night there was a phone call from Korea that a number has been issued and then the person hung up. There was no confirming Email this morning. Someone will call this afternoon or so because of time differences and then I will be able to go to the consulate and start this last process.
I got my Sony Reader yesterday evening and loaded 130 books from Google Books from the lap top that I am using now. It was hit and miss for a while until I learned how to do it. I am not the most literate person using computers although I love using them. I have to be careful with

my money for a while and used the free books that are available on the Google Books and there are quite a few of them. You can use only those books in the public domain. I was surprised to how many are available. I have books by Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forester, D.H. Lawrence and many, many others. The copyright law did not go into effect into the beginning of the 20th century and even that was limited. For instance, all of the books of Sherlock Holmes by Conon Doyle are in the public domain but not the literary figure which is still in copyright to the best of my knowledge. The same goes for Tarzan.
I am still writing in my journal and on my blogs. It is hard to find a table that has a comfortable chair since where I am at presently does not have these places. Still, it is very nice here. I am in

a house overlooking the city of Los Angeles. Today is another clear day in the Los Angeles area. The dog next door has killed a golfer and everyone is out there looking at it. It is a big one and is probably an old one and why the dog, Shasta, was able to kill it. Since Shasta is fed regularly, she is not chewing on the golfer but likes to admire it. We are next door to a state park and there is a nice green belt surrounding the two houses, this one and the owners of Shasta.
Part of the requirement of living in these two houses is that nothing can be done to desturb the ecology of the grass and plants of the two interconnecting yards which has natural plants of this

area. That is why there are golfers here. The view alone is worth living here for. We can see the sign, Hollywood, and the buildings of the downtown area of Los Angeles.
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