"I believe more in the scissors than I do in the pencil."
-Truman Capote
When I first started out in writing, it took everything in my brain and self-confidence just to put my words on paper. Even then I was scared of the great white space. In those days, I had a huge office typewriter that one had to push down with all one's might and because I was poor I had paper I stole from the public school which was cheap and erasing it meant a hole in the paper. I wanted my words to be golden and unchangeable because I knew what those changes meant to my finished paper.
What made it worse was the fact that I was dyslexic although I did not know the word at the time. Again, I went through Hell trying to get a finished copy that did not need editing and of course that never happene

Years before, I wrote everything by hand and then erased, crossed out and then pasted over it with strips of paper and then typed it out. It was a hard process. I did not have a typist or secretary to help me out as many writers in the past had or a brilliant mind as others did. W. Somerset Maugham had a secretary who edited his work along with her duties to type up his stories. Sometimes, writers mailed in their work in longhand and the typists at the publishers typed it.
I learned to type on the tips of my fingers so never had long fingernails. I never liked them anyhow but their existence was an impossibility for me because manual typewriters had

Editing for me is so much part of the process of writing that I can't do it without that essential step at the end of putting the words down. To me it is like a sculptor and what he or she does with the object of art. You shape it this way and then refine it until it appears the way you want it to. You loo

thesauruses and have them around me as I wrote. Now, all I need is the Internet. When I was teaching, I always taught the students the easy way of checking one's spelling and definition as well as look for other similar words and it is so much easier than it used to be. There is always some joker in the neighborhood who looks down his or her nose and says that this modern way takes away from learning it. Well, phooey to them. This very dyslexic person loves the new way of writing and editing. I have learned from the wisdom from W. Somerset Maugham not to give a damn about anyone's opinion about anything. Thank you Mr. Maugham.
I have always felt that Truman Capote was the best editor in that after he wrote, he sp

With all of this said, I don't know how many times I have written something, edited it and then pushed the button for publish such as this blog and found little things that I missed. On this blog, I can correct it but in some places that I post I can't. Editing, of course, does not reside in the fingers but in the eyes. You have to see what is really there on the screen instead of what you meant to be there. There is a poster on a forum that I participate in ever so often and he often says his posts say this or that and they don't. He swears they do but the times I go up on the forum to the posts to check, they don't. He is always bragging he has a PhD in something but it isn't in editing. He never checks his own posts and reads what is really there. We all make this sort of mistakes but a professional writer like myself should be more aware than those who don't.
You have to see your assets and deficits clearly and adjust your writing to make the most of them. Maugham in "The Summing Up", which I am presently reading for the second time, had a skill for plain writing and dialogue. He did not have the talent for using vast numbers of words and complex twists of phrases so instead of trying he just went after what he did do well. He was a good observer of what happened around him. He adapted for it. He edited his work for it. That is why his work even today is so readable. Many critics state that he is not read that much anymore but his books for the most part are still in copyright and there are movies still being done on

Another writer who I am sorry to say I forgot his or her name said "kill your babies". That means when you have written something that seems that it could stand next to Shakespeare and you are editing it and the most memorable phrase just does not fit, you have to ax it. You have to kill that baby. I have done that many times with tears running down my face. Oh, it was so good, but no one will ever know it. Sigh...
Then there is the other side. I gave a story once to a writer who was a friend (we did not stop being friends because of it.) who criticized it for several reasons. I chose to ignore those reasons and submitted it to an important contest and won it. We can accept editing from an editor or publisher or we can reject it. The final decision always rests with the writer, always....
I write this blog on writing and few people ever read it. It used to hurt my feelings ever so often. I also had to edit my writing so many times