September 11, 2010
Today is O. Henry's birthday and thanks to Writers' Almanac (http://writersalmanac.publicradio.org/index.php?date=2010/09/11) I was reminded of this. He was born William Sidney Porter in Greensboro, North Carolina in 1862.
I have not been a fan of this author for some time because I was forced to read him all through my school years and television in those early years often used his stories as playhouse productions. I got tired of his stories although they were very good ones.
He had many occupations in his life including licensed pharmacist, convicted felon, shepherd, domestic servant, bank teller and baby sitter. Many of his stories were written while he sat in prison for embezzlement.
Many biographies will tell you that O. Henry was an alcoholic but they also will tell you that he was one gifted writer with hundreds of stories to his name. He died at the age of 47 from liver disease.
In 1909, he gave an autobiographical interview of himself for the New York Times. One part of it bears repeating:
"I'll give you the whole secret of short-story writing. Here it is Rule I: write stories that please yourself. There is no Rule II."
Right now I am working on a book of short stories. I have never attempted to do that before. The one thing I can attest to, is that it is no fun writing short stories that don't please oneself. In fact, it is pure drudgery when you attempt to write what is popular and salable instead of what pleases the self. Many b

Happy Birthday O. Henry!
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