Welcome Writers
It does not matter whether or not you are published. If you happened to come upon my blog and want to comment or express some current frustration on writing, please feel free to do so.
I have every intention of writing what I feel like writing and everyone is free to do so. I just don't want to see anyone bashing someone else. Heavens knows we as writers get it from critics, publishers, agents and just about everyone else including friends and relatives so don't do it here unless it is people in general.
Finding Out What I Think
Many people have written that they use writing to find out what they think about things. I know this to be very true. I write on a newspaper opinion forum and I have learned so much on that forum. I also learned to develop a tougher skin and to question other people's statements of truth. I never take what they state is the truth but do some research first and then respond. However, the learning of what I think about certain issues is the primary reason I still post on that forum.Today, a poster wrote:
I know you consider yourself a free spirit, but this is really not about you or me, this is about the United States of America, and whether or not it is a nation which was founded on the principles of Christianity over 233 years ago.
This nation has a history, it has a well documented accounting of those who have served our country as Presidents, leaders, and founders. Nothing in these historic documents illude to Bhuddism, Islam, Pantheism, Evolution, or idol worhipping.
You may not like our nations heritage, the founders, or even our achievements as a nation. You, however are priviledged, as am I to live in the United States, once, the land of opportunity, home of the American dream, where a government has no authority over its people, its people have authority over the government.
That is the nation you are now a citizen of, and as Americans, all should be proud of and grateful to the founders of this nation, and for me, I also thank God."
I knew I did not agree with this statement, but I could not say why. I started to write my statement and was surprised at my response:
"But it is about you and me. We make up this country along with others. This country is not an inanimate being, existing separate from the people who live here. That is what you don't get. No country is more important than its citizens.
This country serves me, you, its citizens and not the other way around. Human life is what it is all about. The Constitution and Bill of Rights is a living document that serves the people of this country and we don't serve it. The courts and the laws that Congress changes as things changes because we the people change as we are born, live and die. New people come into being and it starts all over again.
That is how it works for me. I just put my pen down on paper and start writing. Then my opinion appears before me. I know a writer who writes stories to find out what she believes as the truth. I am not going to write here how this works, it just does and writers have been doing it for a long time. It is like writing meditation and I do that often. (I just wish I could figure out how to get rid of the italicized portion of this post.)
Reading my words on the forum, I like what I wrote. I had never given it much thought. Yes, p
We now have an Afro-American president. Women can vote. People who don't own property can vote too. People who are not heterosexual are now reaching for full their rights. It is a different nation.