Welcome Writers

It does not matter whether or not you are published. If you happened to come upon my blog and want to comment or express some current frustration on writing, please feel free to do so.

I have every intention of writing what I feel like writing and everyone is free to do so. I just don't want to see anyone bashing someone else. Heavens knows we as writers get it from critics, publishers, agents and just about everyone else including friends and relatives so don't do it here unless it is people in general.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Television, my biggest problem

I spend too much time watching television. All of the time that I watch it goes into the brain as dead time. I told my children, when they were growing, that the thing will fry your brain and I now tell my grandchildren the same exact thing. So what do I do? I watch television.

I used to watch it during the daytime and I don't anymore. Thank heavens. I do turn on the news when I get up and watch it long enough to see if anything has happened or is happening of interest to me. Most times nothing has happened and I switch it to the music stations. I love classical music in the mornings.

I must explain there is a lot of things in this world that are of no interest to me. For instance, I am not interested in the sex tapes of Carrie Lejean (I hope I got her name right) or which actor is breaking up or hooking up with each other). Politics are interesting especially if they concern what is happening in Washington and Sacramento and a few of the states that I have a passing interest such as Oregon. I am always interested in writers and literature. I don't care about current music trends unless it is classical. There are a lot of well-known people I have no idea who they are and just ignore them such as Britney Spears and Hannah Montana and don't want to learn who they are. I am sure this goes with my age.

It used to be there was nothing but re-runs. I hate re-runs. Now, I like Nova and there has been nothing but re-runs for the last year. I stopped watching it. Then the re-runs stopped. They showed a program about the beginnings of Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution. I have always thought that was an exciting time. I have read books about it and even knew the year, 1859, when it was introduced. They made a program that made that time as dull as anything I ever watched. I changed stations and turned it off. Then they started a program on the early history of human kind. I tried Nova again. This time it was very good. I watched the second installment last Tuesday. Wow. Luckily, Front Line was dull and a re-run. I turned it off. But tonight is Bones. It is not a re-run. Oh oh. Last week's episode was terrible. The script was insipid.

I went to Starbucks this evening to read the New York Times. I wanted to get away from the television set. I love MSNBC and the news programs, but I don't have a laptop. I would have worked on some of my writings such as one book and a short story that is ready to go but needs one last read through. I did enjoy the paper. I started to think. I have two other blogs that has worked out very well. By Jove, I will start one for my writing.

Already, I have not watched any television today and skipped the news altogether because I created this blog. I am watching the clock. I am still going to watch Bones, but I will return back to this blog to do the editing of this post after wards. I will also do some exercise so I can report it on my other blog. This is a heck of lot more fun than anything I have done in a long time.

P.S. I ended up watching Bones and wished I did not. It was a silly story about a murdered dwarf that was also a wrestler and he had a green skeleton (they never did explain the green skeleton or I missed it.) There was a sub-plot about Booth trying to make it with Bones. Frankly, I don't care whether or not Bones and Booth get it on and wish they would not spend so much time on this issue, but I asked someone who watches it every week and he says he is very interested in this prospect. They had a lot of grown up intelligent people spending time thinking and discussing it. If these characters were real people, they need to get a life.

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