Can the philosophy of our characters in our stories have a philosophy that is different from our own? Can they teach the writer there is something new in the universe? I have discovered yesterday that the answer is yes.
I used to believe that there is one reality and everyone has a different take on it. One cha

racter said that reality is different for each of us and not a different version but totally different. Her reality is full of crazy people and crazy notions. It really is that way and not a different way of looking at the world. It is as she sees it for her. I am a spiritual person and see the world as a very spiritual place but it certainly would not be a spiritual place for someone like Richard Dawkins. He sees nothing spiritual about nature, for example, while I see everything in nature as very spiritual and part of the grand spiritual scheme of things. Who is right? My character, Beth, would say we are both correct.
Of course, my son would say there was a third interpretation and that the writer is just plain nuts. Perhaps. However, until Beth came up with this idea, I never considered it. I think she makes a lot of sense especially after the last election in the US. That can be a way of looking at reality and psychiatrists and psychologists will never help with anyone achieving sanity but just living with their demons; but then isn't that what their job should be?
I have noticed that th

e characters that I help bring about in my stories come to life on their own but not in a scary way. I am always aware that they are made up. It is easy to just follow them and type up what they do. I have read many accounts by other writers who have the same experiences and other writers who say they never do. I have been working with made up people and stories in my head since I was a very small girl. I am comfortable with the process.
I don't have to make up people who do evil things. I meet enough of them in real life. I don't even have to buy books to read about them. They are out there in everyday life. I met my fill of them even here in Korea and I don't keep them in my head. I just use them when I need them in stories and then chuck them out when they are no longer necessary. Evil is

necessary. Don't tell that to those who are waiting for the end of these times when the second coming of Jesus will happen and he will get rid of the Devil. We need Satan. We needed Satan to drive us out of Eden so we could populate the world which we did very well. Without Satan, we would not have art and even philosophy.
Well, enough of my philosophy except to say that I never know what my characters

will come up with and that is the beauty of writing and the fun. When I sit down to write, I never know what is going to happen or better said what the characters are going to do. That is why I love to write.
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