I read a blog this morning about not giving up after the envelops carrying your work arrive in the mail with rejection slips. That is true. I have been lucky and grateful on this day of Thanksgiving that when those rejection letters came in and I could not take it anymore, I took a vacation but not from writing.
I remember the feeling of freedom when I knew the stories were not going to be sent in but would sit in the hamper so to speak. Then I could just write and not worry whether or not it sold. Every time I have seen advice to the writer, it was "study the market". I began to hate being a writer when I did. I wrote what would sell and not what I wanted to write. Writing became a chore.
Now, when I write, I write for me. If it sells, great. If it doesn't, I put it away and bring it out again. I write what I want, but I don't depend on writing to pay the bills. I have other income that comes with retirement. I am very grateful for that. I am grateful for Social Security, CalPers, and Veterans Pensions. I do sell occasionally. I now love writing again. It is fun and I write what I want. I am very grateful.
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