I read blogs and books on writing all of the time. I even write this one although I am aware few people read it; but I am hopeful. Everyone has rules about writing. I have a few and that is to re-read what you write and edit it. Then wait a bit and do it again. I like to read what I write out loud but that is a personal preference.
One rule is to never start a story with the weather, but I have seen many stories that do that. It is overcast this morning and thought about that rule. Why is it that one can not start a story with the weather? Beats me. There is a rule about not using adverbs and I can see it. He was very loud means about the same as he is loud. The weather? I have seen movies that start with the weather. There was one movie that started off with a funeral and the actor, Tyrone Power, is there standing in the rain with an umbrella. I remember it because it was very effective. I think it was for a character who was played by Ava Gardner. He is in a dark or black suit with the rain hitting the umbrella and he is very sad as everyone stands in the cemetery in the rain. I can still hear the rain hitting the umbrella. The the film switches into the sunshine with a smiling and warm woman character. That has stayed with me although I saw that movie in my childhood and forgot what the film was. I think that is a rule that should be thrown out.
I think when a writer hears a rule or advice one should think about the Buddha's advice. He said that everything should be run through one's heart and mind, if it sounds true then keep it and if it doesn't throw it out even if it is the Buddha (Gautama) who is saying it.
Of course, there is my rule. Read so you can perfect your ear and eye and know what sounds and reads good. I wrote a story many years ago as a kid. I thought it sounded great and the end of the story was of a woman swimming. The person reading it said she sounded like a boat. I read it again and sure enough the woman character sounded like a motor boat. I changed it. I was very grateful. I try and question everything I write and love it when someone does the same with what I am writing. That does not mean I accept it for I often don't. But I do consider it. Who knows? Maybe another character will sound like a boat instead of a woman swimming from a sinking ship.
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