All writers remember when they were first turned on by the magic of the written word and the power of our own stories and other writings. Heavens knows I remember very well, and it takes me well into childhood. I know some writers who are published regularly but few make enough money to support themselves solely on their writings. Some are housewives who are supported by their husbands and others are teachers. Stephen King and many writers were high school teachers for a long time before they could finally quit their day jobs and just concentrate on their writing careers. I am doing that now, just writing, but not because I make enough money in writing but because I receive retirement income. If I made enough money in writing, I would "run away from home" and make my home in another place as this place is a bit restrictive. I do better when I live alone.
We get very excited about writing and think it is the greatest life. We also love to read or at least most of us do which is good because it keeps us up on what is happening out there in the world of literature. It always surprises me to hear about people who say they don't like to read and avoid it as much as possible. I used to say something to them and now I don't. There is a commercial on Charter TV that has a young man who says he is going to admit something that few people will own up to, and I thought at first it was something about religion or sexual orientation, but it was his preference for watching television. Then someone says many people will not admit they watch it and someone else says that means there is more for the rest of them to have which of course makes no sense but if you watch television you don't do a lot of thinking anyhow. Television does not encourage analytical thinking.
I can't imagine a life not reading and also not writing something somewhere. I record my life in a journal and have all of the journals. When my ex-husband threw out a lot of my stuff, he did not get his hands on my journals, thank goodness. My youngest son took them and put them in his bedroom. I have all of my journals, for the most part, since I was 15 years old. I don't re-read them. I just like having them and consider them my legacy to my offspring. I wish my mother and grandmother kept a journal. I would have loved reading them.
Trying to get my sons and other relatives to write just gives them headaches or so they tell me. I draw and although the drawings are not great they are mine. I have a relative who is a professional artist and she does not draw as much as I do. I encourage her to draw the view from her house as it is spectacular. She yawns and takes a nap. I drew it in my journal and it does not look like much but I enjoyed doing it.
I remember thinking about how the dreams in my head would make great stories. Wow, I thought. I know others told me that I dream too much. That is what most people tell writers that they live too much in their heads or imagination. When we try and communicate this zest for our love of words and imaginary worlds it makes us pests.
I happen to think there can't be too many poets or writers in this world. That does not mean I love ever poem or story because I don't. But I love the way people try and see what is out there and then translate it into words. I also hope that they take into consideration the fact that they need pencils to edit; but to keep on writing. Even if the only reader is themselves, they should keep at it. As for expressing the enthusiasm for writing verbally, well we should just write about it and then go take a nap.
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